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case study

Cardiff 10k: Motivating more to raise through running

The Cardiff 10k is organised by Kidney Wales and is Cardiff’s longest established road race. It attracts upwards of 3,000 participants each year and raises tens of thousands of pounds for charities across Wales. Working Word first started working with the Cardiff 10k for the race in September 2012.

  • Raise participant numbers

  • Establish social media channels

  • Generate and manage media coverage before, during and after the event.



Our approach
  • Created a series of motivational case studies about individual and corporate race runners who were running for Kidney Wales for very personal reasons. These appeared in the local media on a weekly basis

  • Maintained a regular Twitter presence in the run up to the race, engaging in conversation with confirmed and potential race runners and tweeting motivational quotes, training soundtrack links to Spotify and health tips

  • Arranged visits from Cardiff City FC captain Mark Hudson to children suffering from kidney disease

  • Placed health and fitness related articles in local media

  • Coordinated media interest ahead of the event and on the day of the race.

  • Participant numbers in 2012 were a record high

  • Twitter followers increased by several hundred in the two months ahead of the event

  • Record levels of media coverage were achieved with coverage across the Western Mail, South Wales Echo, CF Eleven, Real Radio, ITV Wales and WalesOnline

  • We have been commissioned to work on the 2013 event.
