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Teen's glowing condom idea goes viral

We were commissioned by youth technology organisation, TeenTech, to help promote the TeenTech Awards 2015, where teams of students from across the UK were challenged to come up with ideas to make life ‘simpler, better or easier.’  The day saw over 100 teams present their ideas, and appearances from the likes of James May, Dr Christian Jessen, Katy Brand and HRH The Duke of York. With some of the most cutting-edge designs the awards has ever seen – it’s safe to say this year’s winners went global thanks to a ‘glowing condom’ dreamed up by pupils from Isaac Newton Academy in Ilford.



  • Highlight the awards as the key UK event of the year in showcasing the top talent of youngsters with a passion for digital
  • Position TeenTech as the leading authority in helping to support young people into technology
  • Profile the ideas and the students behind them as well as key TeenTech spokespeople, including former BBC Tomorrow’s World presenter Maggie Philbin

What we did

  • Created a media story around the awards day at the UK’s home of science, the Royal Society, ensuring the event was on the radar of all national and broadcast media
  • Invited key technology, education and national press to attend
  • Fed stories and designs through to press live on the day
  • Quick turnaround of winners stories as they were announced to capitalise on the ‘news’ of the event, profiling 19 categories in total and targeting stories to vertical press where applicable to secure extra coverage
  • Focussed on our strongest story of Musaz Nawaz, Daanyaal Ali and Chirag Shah’s innovative idea of a ‘glowing condom’ that changes colour when it detects an STI
  • Drafted a number of regional releases to highlight winners across the country.


  • Achieved more than 100 pieces of coverage across a mixture of national, regional and broadcast media in countries worldwide including the United States, Canada, Germany, Uganda, Nigeria, India, New Zealand, and Dubai.
  • Blanket national coverage along with key hits in the Washington Post, MSN, CNN, MTV News, Newsbeat and New York Post
  • Organised a number of radio interviews in the US, UK and beyond
  • A viral social discussion with the story being shared on social media through platforms such as LadBible, Buzzfeed and Huffington Post, as well as reaching the top thread on Reddit’s news page and attracting the interest of @professorgreen on Twitter.
  • A number of sectorial and regional pieces were secured to offset the national story, including in S4C, Dublin’s Spin Radio, Independent Education Today, and EdQuarter.